Violating Protection Order Ohio

We have a proven track record of success in handling over 15,000 criminal cases and are consistently awarded as one of Ohio’s top criminal defense firms. We are highly experienced violating protection order ohio lawyers in Columbus, OH and all of central Ohio. Experience matters when dealing with these cases, which prosecutors and judges handle differently on a case-by-case basis. We know what to expect and what to do to get the best result possible.

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Ohio Violation Of A Protection Order

joslyn violating protection order ohio protection order violation ohioWhat is A Violation of A Protection Order?

Protection orders (also commonly know as restraining orders in Ohio) often arise out of painful, complicated situations involving people you love or used to be close to. According to Ohio Legislation Section 2919.27 – a protection order has been violated if a person threatens or harasses, has contact with or communicates with, or is in physical proximity (typically 100 yards) to the individual for whom the protection order has been established. This includes temporary protection orders. Allegations of violating that no-contact order in Ohio can throw that situation even further into turmoil, especially since most judges think erring on the side of right means protecting the alleged victim – even if that alleged victim is using the protective order as a weapon.

Violating a protection order in Ohio is a serious offense that can result in serious penalties. A violation of protection order attorney (domestic violence lawyer) experienced in Ohio domestic violence laws will fight in your protection order hearings to ensure your rights are protected while fighting for a favorable outcome. If you have been accused of violating your protection order in  Columbus, Grove City, Westerville, Lancaster, Springfield, Reynoldsburg, Delaware, Dublin, or the surrounding areas, contact the experienced Columbus defense attorneys at Joslyn Law Firm.

We will fight to resolve all aspects of your protective order violation allegation in Ohio in a favorable way. Your first consultation with our restraining order lawyer near you is free, so call (614) 444-1900.

Skip To: Types of Protection OrdersCommon Injunctions For No Contact Protection Orders – Consequences for Violating a Protection Order


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Types of Protection Orders In Ohio (AKA Restraining Orders)

Ohio protection orders are issued for many different purposes, but all are usually means to the same end – to protect an alleged victim from being harassed and/or violated by an alleged offender. If necessary, your protection order attorney can guide you on how to remove a restraining order, or to motion to modify or terminate a domestic violence protection order.

The types of protection orders in Ohio include:

  1. Temporary Protection Orders
  2. Civil Protection Orders
  3. Criminal Protection Orders
  4. Anti-Stalking Protection Orders

Temporary Protection Order (TPO).

Before the case has been resolved, the alleged victim may seek a Temporary Protection Order (TPO).  A TPO is an order from the court that prohibits the alleged offender from having any contact with the victim and/or the victim’s family and/or pets.  The order may cover the home or public places, such as schools, places of employment or other public locations.  This order also prohibits the alleged offender from possessing weapons intended to injure or harm the victim or others around the victim.  A TPO violation is considered a criminal offence.

Civil Protection Order (CPO).

Under the Ohio Revised Code Section 3113.31, alleged victims of domestic violence can seek a CPO, which provides legal protection against violence occurring within the family unit.  The alleged harm or threat of injury must be perpetrated by a family or household member. An alleged victim can file for a CPO without an attorney.  Violation of the CPO in Ohio is a civil offense.

By requesting a TPO or a CPO, the victim is demonstrating to the court that he or she is reasonably in fear, and the court will typically take the matter more seriously.  However, such orders complicate the alleged offender’s defense, as evidence entered in the civil case (for the CPO) may compromise the criminal procedure.  This is another reason it is necessary for an alleged offender to have legal representation.

Criminal Protection Orders

Criminal protection orders (such as sexually orientation protection orders) are issued by the criminal court in response to a crime, such as domestic assault, being committed. Anti-stalking protection orders are meant to protect the alleged victim from stalking and other non-physical harassment.

A violation of the terms of any of these agreements can result in serious penalties, so it is recommended to have an experienced Ohio criminal defense attorney at your side through the entire process.

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Common Injunctions For No Contact Protection Orders In Ohio

What constitutes a violation of a protection order depends on the type of order issued and the specific injunctions against you listed in that order. It is of the utmost importance to know in detail what actions you are prevented from committing or required to perform according to the order. Some of these injunctions may include:

  • Refraining from entering or maintaining a specific distance from the alleged victim’s residence, school, business, or place of employment
  • Attending required counseling
  • Providing financial support to the alleged victim
  • Prohibition from owning or purchasing a firearm or ammunition

The injunctions against you will vary according to the judge and the protections that the alleged victim asked for. If at any point you are questioning whether something is a violation of your Ohio protection order, either err on the safe side and don’t do it, or contact an experienced Ohio restraining order lawyer for review. Given the severe civil and criminal penalties that come with a violation, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

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Consequences for Violating a Protection Order in Ohio

The consequences for violating a protection order in Ohio are very punitive, and rarely are judges sympathetic to the alleged offender for such violations. The penalties for violating a protective order in Ohio are defined in O.R.C. § 2919.27. Generally, a violation is a first-degree misdemeanor, which in Ohio comes with a maximum of 6 months in prison and a $1,000 fine.

If the alleged offender has previously been guilty of violation of the current or any previous protection order, or has had two or more violations of menacing, aggravated menacing/stalking, or aggravated trespass against the current alleged victim, the charge is upgraded to a fifth-degree felony. A fifth-degree felony is punishable by 6-12 months of prison time and a $2,500 fine. If the alleged offender violates the protection order while committing a felony, he or she could be facing a third-degree felony charge with 1-5 years of prison and a $10,000 fine.

Additionally, a protection order violation could also have severe consequences on housing applications, employment and educational opportunities, and anything that requires a background check. A violation of a protection order enables you to be arrested on sight for contempt of court. It is critical to contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer immediately after you have violated or may have violated your protection order in Ohio to begin protecting your rights.

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Joslyn Law Firm | Defense Lawyer for Violating Ohio Protection Orders

If you have been accused of violating your Franklin County, Licking County, Delaware County, Fairfield County, Pickaway County, or Madison County protection order or held in contempt of court for that reason, contact the experienced defense lawyers of Joslyn Law Firm in Columbus. We will fight to protect your future from the criminal charges of a protection order violation, as well as resolve it in any other way possible or necessary.

Call (614) 444-1900 today for your free consultation on what Joslyn Law Firm can do for your alleged violation of protection order case.

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